What Perks are available to subscribers?
- All club orders of £36/€44 or more receive a 10% discount.
- All club orders of £73/€88 or more receive a 10% discount and are eligible for the customer to add an additional Scentsy Club product (including Whiff Box!) at half price.* The £73/€88 minimum is based on the full retail price, before the 10% discount is applied.
- Subscribers also get exclusive access to Always Get My Bar
Subscribe to Scentsy Club to get 10% discounts or half price products with qualifying orders. Why pay full price for your Scentsy products when you can gain discounts or half price items for subscribing.
Once your subscription total reaches £73 (product retail amount), you qualify to add an additional product at half-price. This half-price item will remain as long as you have at least £73 worth of Scentsy Club products in your subscription. If the Scentsy Club product retail amount falls below £73, the half-price item will be automatically removed. Recurring half-price items may be changed or edited. Half-price item must be redeemed on your current shipment. If you don’t redeem it, the half-price reward is lost. You will not be charged if the half-price item reward is not used. Licensed products are not eligible to redeem as half-price items in Scentsy Club.